Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Back in Black

   Guess that lack of horses from auctions is now over, seems that Rotz must be back in the black, and no longer in the red.  How's it feel to back in black, huh?

           Well, I am glad to see that the prices aren't horribly inflated.  And I am pleasantly surprised, to see in true typical fashion you sneak a couple in there with that infamous green tag.  That's a nice touch.  In true typical fashion of all things broker related, the truck is coming.  But, wait...doesn't that truck come and go a couple of times a week??  So, what about those others that are loading, what about that large sum of money that you slap in his hand on Monday at the New Holland parking lot, that enables him to load more, or should I say Rotz Sr. as he does most of the loading and collecting while at New Holland.  Of course we all know that Bruce has more than one main squeeze when it comes to the auction circuit, sorry Chris, sometimes you have to just accept that fact that there will always be others.   

           The load this week will yield around a 4,000.00 paycheck for Bruce and Co.  Now, if Sundew Sales is only taking ten percent off the top of the jar, that would be a 400 paycheck for them, let's not count in the fact that they are pulling a horse that would never SHIP, and all the fund raising they are doing for that.  I would venture to say, that the cut is more than 10 percent, but that is pure speculation.  At the end of the day it doesn't matter, because that amount of money can purchase a additional 15 horses that are grade for shipping.  Does that put things in perspective for John Q. Public???  So, while you have that warm fuzzy feeling of saving that one equine, do yourself a favor and think about the other ten head or more that will be on a dinner plate somewhere.  Glad you all can sleep at night.  

          Please don't throw this mess at me, that says "well I saved one, that's one less".  No, it's not one less, do your math people, it's two more, three more, ten more.  You just signed the death warrant for more to die.  I am so pleased to know that people can sleep so well at night.  


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